Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Merry Christmas from Sydney & Addy

Sydney and Addy wish everyone a very Merry Christmas with joy and peace in the upcoming year. Here is their annual Christmas photos with Santa (which were definitely more troublesome this year)!

Merry Christmas!

...and from Ella too.

Friday, December 12, 2008

Sydney and Addy - The New Morning Routine

Sydney and Addy are morning dogs. I am not. Every morning, Addy starts waking me at 5 am with 'the paw'. I tell her to go lay back down on her pillow and she goes...but 15 minutes later I get 'the paw'. This goes on until my alarm goes off at 6:15.

The weekends are a completely different story. I would rather NOT get up at 5 or 6 or even 7 am on the weekends. So the girls and I have started the following:

I get the paw around 5 am.
I send Addy back to her pillow.
Sydney starts whining at me around 6:30 - 6:45.
I get up and feed them and let them out.
Then we go lay down on the lover sofa and ottoman until I finally get up.

Let me explain. I pull the ottoman flush with the lover sofa, in the middle of the sofa. I curl up with legs out on the ottoman with my head on the arm rest of the lover sofa. Addy crawls right next to me so her head body is on the lover sofa and head in my lap. Sydney crawls up next to Addy with body half on the lover sofa and half on the ottoman with her head on my calves.

Oddly enough, we can sleep a couple of hours like that until the weight of Sydney's head on my legs wake me up.

No wonder, I am always tired...

Sydney and Addy are still alive

Sorry it has been so long since the Adventures of Sydney and Addy had been up and running. They definitely have had stories to tell and I promise to start telling stories again. New job & the holidays and kept the myself and the girls very busy. The Adventures of Sydney and Addy are still alive and kicking and will hopefully return with more regularity.