I had wanted a dog for a while. I have always loved labs and my husband was determined I was going to get one.
I fell in love in Sydney from the moment I saw her. She was the runt of the litter and, although I was concerned if she would develop normally, I had to bring her home. We saw her at 4 weeks, a little too early to take her and I cried when we had to leave her.
My husband went and got her at 5 weeks and 5 days. It was the Friday of Labor Day so we wanted three days with her.
Sydney wouldn't stay in her box in the car and ended up laying on my husband's shoulder for a 30 minute car ride. We took her to the ballpark that night and every one fawned over her.
That night would become the first of many nights to come. Sydney cried every hour on the hour. At first, I would go and comfort her. Then it was discipline. To no avail. So I would end up sleepiing on the floor, my back against the couch and my head in the seat - and Sydney in my lap. We slept for hours like that.
During those wee hours of the morning, I thought it would never end. There are days now, when I wish I could have those days back.
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