Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Merry Christmas from Sydney & Addy

Sydney and Addy wish everyone a very Merry Christmas with joy and peace in the upcoming year. Here is their annual Christmas photos with Santa (which were definitely more troublesome this year)!

Merry Christmas!

...and from Ella too.

Friday, December 12, 2008

Sydney and Addy - The New Morning Routine

Sydney and Addy are morning dogs. I am not. Every morning, Addy starts waking me at 5 am with 'the paw'. I tell her to go lay back down on her pillow and she goes...but 15 minutes later I get 'the paw'. This goes on until my alarm goes off at 6:15.

The weekends are a completely different story. I would rather NOT get up at 5 or 6 or even 7 am on the weekends. So the girls and I have started the following:

I get the paw around 5 am.
I send Addy back to her pillow.
Sydney starts whining at me around 6:30 - 6:45.
I get up and feed them and let them out.
Then we go lay down on the lover sofa and ottoman until I finally get up.

Let me explain. I pull the ottoman flush with the lover sofa, in the middle of the sofa. I curl up with legs out on the ottoman with my head on the arm rest of the lover sofa. Addy crawls right next to me so her head body is on the lover sofa and head in my lap. Sydney crawls up next to Addy with body half on the lover sofa and half on the ottoman with her head on my calves.

Oddly enough, we can sleep a couple of hours like that until the weight of Sydney's head on my legs wake me up.

No wonder, I am always tired...

Sydney and Addy are still alive

Sorry it has been so long since the Adventures of Sydney and Addy had been up and running. They definitely have had stories to tell and I promise to start telling stories again. New job & the holidays and kept the myself and the girls very busy. The Adventures of Sydney and Addy are still alive and kicking and will hopefully return with more regularity.

Friday, November 7, 2008

Bush's Dog Bites Reporter

Thank goodness the girls have never bitten anyone. I had a friend whose dog bit a house guest and had to fend off a lawsuit.

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Election Results are in!

It is a dead-heat.

The first Adventures of Sydney & Addy 'Paw the Election' is in and it is a tie. One vote for Obama and one vote for McCain with a 0 plus/minus margin of error. There was an attempt at voter fraud by Addy trying to cast 2 paws but was caught by the election judge.

The Paw the Election was conducted in the following manor:

A picture of Obama was on the floor on the left and McCain was on the floor on the right (for obvious reasons). The dogs were sitting at a stay. Once I yelled, "VOTE", they proceeded to cast their paw. Thus resulting in a tie.

Here is how the vote count:
Sydney - Obama
Addy - McCain

Disclaimer: Results Sydney stands on my left and Addy stands on my right so that might be why the 'paw' went the way it did.

So, we will have to wait to see the results later tonight!!!

No treats were used in the 'paw' process.

Friday, October 31, 2008

Adelaide tried to kill me - once, twice, three times

Is this the face of a killer?

Addy Closeups-5

I am using Addy's full name because, if she is a killer, she needs to be addressed like one. Here is a point by point synaposis of the threats on my life:

1) We were out walking the other night and Adelaide in a 'mad dash' tangled me in her leash. I swan dive down using my hand in blocking my fall. She walked away sheapishly.

2) The second incident occurred a couple of weeks ago on another walking trip. She darted out for a squirrel (or so I presume b/c there wasn't a squirrel to be found). She just so happened to dart out right in front of a recycle bin. Resulting in a in quick hurdle of the recycle bin in order to not break my neck.

3) In the final attempt at my life, Adelaide pulled out the stops. She lured me under false pretenses that she had to go outside. So up the stairs to take them out, not thinking I didn't turn out the lights (I go up the stairs in the dark all the time). However, this time would be much different. There awaited Adelaide, unbeknownst to me, blocking the steps. As I came up the step, I tripped over Adelaide and fell, on my side, 4 feet. I laid their quietly and did a quick assessment of all my body parts. After I realized that I was ok, I got up and let them outside.

Adelaide came back in and was good the rest of the night. I assumed it was quiet defeat that she had not killed least not yet.

Happy Halloween!

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Vacuum Cleaners - Follow-up

I now know more about vacuums than I thought I would ever know. The area I am vacuuming is my den that is carpeted with indoor/outdoor carpet. We spend most of time down there so a lot of dog traffic in that area. I went on several blogs, read a dozens of reviews (including Amazon), and a multitude of forums. I even posted the questions on a couple of sites including moms site and pets site. After weeding through all of that, I came up with 3 models:

Bissell Pet Eraser - All of reviews had this as good as the best pet vacuums. The price ranged from $135-$170.
Dyson Animal - This one had a lot of mixed reviews. It seemed professional reviewers loved it. But the consumers didn't like it or thought it wasn't worth the money The price ranged from $450-$550.
iRobot Roomba - A lot of reviewers talked about it on their hardwood floors, not on carpet. And many reviewers talked about parts breaking down. Most of them raved about the scheduling function. The price ranged from $330 - $550.

I loved the concept of Roomba. A vacuum that you could schedule and it would clean for you. I wouldn't have to nag my husband about it and the floors would be pet hair clean. However, I was definitely scared away about the breaking down function and, for that price, I didn't want to consistently repairing a product. I have always been attracted to the Dyson...but not the price. I thought the reviews were mixed enough that I didn't want to put out that money on mixed reviews. Thus, I went with the Bissell. I guess you can say I am risk averse around money.

I bought the Bissell from Kohl's (they had a sale). I bought it on Sunday and put it together and ran it on Monday. The results were great. The canister was full and I really felt, by doing the look test for hair, that the vacuum got most of it up. I don't get around to vacuuming until Friday. On Friday, I start vacuuming and after about 5 minutes I start smelling a burning smell. And it keeps getting stronger. So I unplugged in defeat and put it away. I was going out of town and asked my husband to take the vacuum back - at this point, I think it is defunct - and get a new one. I liked the first results and wanted those back.

Did I mention I should have gotten the Roomba before? My husband did not take the vacuum back. Instead he ran the vacuum again and told me that the smell was faint but not bad. Not what I asked him to do. I just got back into town so I haven't had a chance to test the vacuum. So stay tuned...

Monday, October 20, 2008

Vet and 1800PetMeds - Resolved

I have been wrestling with who is right, the vet or 1800PetMeds, when it comes to providing prescription medication for my girls. See the discussions and comments Round 1, Round 2 & Round 3.

Finally, on a forum I posted the question on, I received a very informative answer from a vet. Since it seems there is a lot of confusion on the subject, I felt I should post the information. Here is the vet's response:

I am a vet and I have seen both sides of this argument as it has come up on the AVMA message boards too. 1800PetMeds is not a reputable company. If you go to and type Pet Med Express in the search blank you will see about 70 lawsuits pop up. They have imported meds from overseas. In my experience I had a client who wanted heartworm pills, but added on an antibiotic. When I questioned her about it she said she just wanted to have it on hand for one of her dogs that has skin problems. Well the antibiotic and dose were totally inappropriate for what she was trying to treat.

We all have expenses. If we can't sell prescription products to help pay our bottom line, we will just raise prices elsewhere. I have very loyal clients and the issue rarely comes up. But if I need to write out a script I use Vet Centric because I trust them. Of course I have a Holistic Practice and don't use a lot of "drugs" anyway.

I think you need to decide how important your vet is to you and if you want to to support them. If you think they are an anal money grubbing jerk you may want to look elsewhere. If they have always done right my you and your pet, it may not be worth the couple extra bucks to alienate them. You can always ask them to meet the Pharmacy price, many will.

I hope this helps you see both sides of the issue

Susan Maier, DVM

Sunday, October 12, 2008

Best Vacuums for Pets

Our vacuum cleaner, a Dirt Devil, died on us this past week. The suction is gone. It only pushes around the dog hair (of course after I have cleaned out everything).

I have been googling best pet vacuums and I am finding reviews across the board. Anyone had succes with pet vacuums?

Friday, October 10, 2008

Sydney Fluffs Pillows

About a month ago, we (correction, my husband) started letting the girls sleep downstairs at night. I didn't like it because it was Sydney who stayed downstairs and she is truly our watch dog. If my watch dog is downstairs napping, who is watching out...

So we have tried to get her to stay upstairs now but the dog beds we currently have are pretty flimsy. I got them in a Friday After Thanksgiving sale as a trial basis. I didn't want to spend a lot of money in case the girls wouldn't like them. Well, they liked them. Addy continues not to be bothered by it too much. But it is Sydney, who apparently needs more cushion. She is constantly pawing at the bed or, as I like to call it, fluffs her pillow so it will be thicker. Thicker I am assuming means more comfortable. (I find all of this funny b/c they are in the cage all day long with only a blanket. Can that be comfortable?)

Last night was GREAT Sydney fluffing. I did some fall cleaning Monday night and a pile of clothes stacked up to be taken to Goodwill. (Yes, I realize that last night was Thursday and I still haven't moved the pile of clothes. However, my laziness has now resulted in this episode with Sydney so I think it is completely justified.) Tuesday morning, I woke up to find Sydney laying in the middle of the piles of clothes. This is not what I expected. Wednesday night - same thing. I assumed the clothes must be more comfortable than her bed. We never saw Sydney lay on the clothes until that morning. She would start off on her bed and then move to the clothes in the middle of the night.

Last night, different story. It was late when we all moved upstairs because I had to watch the SNL last night after Grey's and ER. Sydney goes to lie on the pillow but apparently that isn't working so she gets up and moves to the clothes. Now the clothes are strewn apart b/c of the activities of the last 2 nights. Sydney can't get enough to fluff. She spends 2-3 minutes fluffing the clothes, turning around in circles, fluffing some, more ciricles, fluffing some more and so on. You could see her get frustrated. She laid down at one point and got right back up. I guess because she hadn't fluffed the clothes enough. My husband took pity on her and created a big pile of clothes for her. Well, that wasn't getting enough either because that resulted in clothes, literally, flying 3 feet out of her way.

Finally, we just had to tell her to lay down, which she did. However, I have a good feeling she was fluffing throughout the night because she was in a different spot when I woke up this morning than where she was last night.

I have got to get her a new bed.

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Addy Doesn't Like Oven Mitts - Video

Here is Addy showing her distaste for oven mitts. The growling & barking is all Addy.

BTW, I am a little behind the times and just learning how to do video. So that is why there is an extra second of video. I haven't learned yet how to cut the duration of the video down yet

Monday, October 6, 2008

Sydney has a Histiocytoma

A lot happened at the vet last Thursday (Read about the vet visit here and all of the events leading up the vet visit and the girls medication with Round 1, Round 2 and Round 3).

Overnight - or so it seems - we found a raised bump on Sydney's back right behind her front shoulders. At first, I was worried it was a tick that had got itself buried under her skin. Ticks in Southern Indiana have been very bad this year. Warning: if ticks make your skin crawl - like mine do - don't look at the photos!

The vet looked over the spot and was about 99% that it was histiocytoma. Histiocytomas are benign tumors on the skin surface of a dog that usually goes away without treatment. Here is a pretty good definition on Wikipedia. It occurs in dogs under the age of 3. However, it is not common in labs.

This is Sydney's second histocytoma. The first one occurred when she was a puppy on her face and was removed when she was spayed because it did not go away. This time it is definitely more developed than when she was a puppy. Here is a picture of what it looks like:

Sydney & Histiocytoma1

The vet assures us it should go away on its own, much like it appeared.

Saturday, October 4, 2008

Vet and 1800PetMeds - Round 3

I have blogged about all the problems I have had with my vet and 'unwillingness' to not fulfill prescriptions to 1800PetMeds here and here. Thursday, I took Sydney to the vet (read how Sydney freaked out here) determined to resolve my prescription issues.

The vet asked if I needed heartworm medication and I responded that I did but would like to get it through 1800PetMeds. Here is what the vet said:
1) We offer cheaper prices than 1800PetMeds and she proceeded to show me a price list. She also said they offered a manufacturers rebate.
2) She said that if Sydney had been on the medication (Interceptor)and still got heartworm, than the manufacturer would pay for the treatment. If we got the medication from 1800PetMeds, then the manufacturer would not pay for any treatment.

So, I agree and buy a year long supply (really 6 months since I am giving it to both Sydney & Addy) from the vet. But once I got home, I was really curious to the vet's claims.
1) The first claim that the vet's office was cheaper than 1800PetMeds is a toss up. The vet sells it for $78.00 whereas 1800PetMeds sells it for $83.99 and has it on sale for $75.49.
2) I looked on the Interceptor website and couldn't find anything about paying for treatment if the product didn't work.

Has anyone else had any of these problems? Does anyone know about manufacturer and if/how they pay for treatment if the medication doesn't work?

Friday, October 3, 2008

Sydney & the Vet

Sydney went to the vet today. She was due for all of her yearly shots and physical. Sydney is better dog one-on-one on a leash and she couldn't have been any better going in. She was a little 'shell-shocked' in the waiting area b/c there was a dog in there just barking and barking and barking. At one point, I had my legs crossed and Sydney laid down so she could lay her head on my foot that is in the air.

After 30 minutes, we got back into the exam rooms. The vet tech took her back to get her nails clipped and start her heartworm exam. When she got back, Sydney went straight for the door to leave but was pretty calm with the vet tech.

Sydney freaked out when the vet came. I don't know if she remembers the white coat or the actually vet. But she got in a corner between the wall, bench seat and me. Sydney just shook the entire time. I had to pull her out of the corner so the vet could do the physical exam by asking Sydney, "Do you wanna go?" She was more than ready every time to get out of there. Sydney jumped so much with the first shot that the needle actually came out and had to be administered again. She weighs 73.6 pounds and the vet said she was a little overweight. (I have one dog overweight and the other dog I can't keep weight on). So we talked over food choices and maybe putting Sydney on a 'diet' dog food. We currently give both Sydney and Addy Purina Pro Plan .

Once we were done, Sydney was ready to head for the exits. She knew where all the 'escape routes' were and proceded to try to break out of the vet's office.

Tuesday, September 30, 2008

How Addy Got Her Name

A couple of blogsago, I introduced Addy. How Addy got her name is as good of a story as how Sydney got her name.

We already had Sydney and I wanted a name that went along with Sydney. Once again, I googled 'Sydney' to come up with a duo or anything that was related to Sydney. I was hoping for great heroes in history or famous street corner or even a bank robbing duo. However, the only thing that came up when I googled 'Sydney' as Sydney, Australia.

I finally caved in and started looking at cities in Australia. The cities of Melbourne, Brisbane, Wagga Wagga, Perth and many others came up in the search. But I couldn't see myself calling a dog Melly, Bris, Wagga or Perthy.

I did find the city of Adelaide. I loved the name Adelaide; my husband hated it. I could not convince him of Adelaide, no matter how hard I tried. So, in an epiphany, I came up with shortening Adelaide - to Addy.

My husband was fine with that and we went with it. Now she goes by 'Ad', 'AddyBear' and 'Baby Girl'. I have been asked before, when I am introducing the girls, if I am from Australia. No, but my Australia friends love the connection!

Thursday, September 25, 2008

Vet and 1800PetMeds - Round 2

So after yesterday, I just assumed I was just going to have to bite the bullet. I had planned on setting up Sydney's annual appointment next week and then, hopefully, talk them into signing the prescription for 1800PetMeds and everyone would move on. Now, I don't know what to think.

Hillside called today...again. This time it was one of the vet techs who called. She said they found the order for prescription in February and was wondering if that was the problem. I said I was really unsure what the problem was, only that they wouldn't sign it because it was a 1800PetMeds order. I told the vet tech that I would just take care of it when I came in for the visit.

The vet tech asks, "Why do you buy it from anyone else but us?" (I thought this was rather intrusive but I proceeded). "Well, I get a discount and think it cheaper and it is convenient because it comes to the door." The vet tech replies, "We can mail it." **shocked** "Really? Does it cost anything to ship?" "No", says the vet tech. "The thing is we don't recommend buying from any of these outside sources because we don't know where the medication is coming from. It could be coming from outside the US where it is not regulated. Also, the temperature on the medications is not controlled. And we have done our research and we are cheaper than they are." At this point, I reply "Well...I'll have look into that".

Really...did this just happen? Was the vet trying to sell me something? I don't know what to think at this point. Nor what to do...

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Vet and 1800PetMeds

I ordered Sydney and Addy's medication from 1800PetMeds yesterday (They are on FrontLine Plus and Interceptor). Interceptor - a heartworm medication - is precription only. The Frontline Plus - flea & tick - is OTC. I take my dogs to Hillside Animal Clinic in Floyds Knobs which according to Google
maps is only about 7 miles away from the house. It isn't a bad drive but it is really out of the way to go pick up medicine. I started using 1800PetMeds so I wouldn't have to drive there, it came straight to my door and it usually included a treat for the girls.

Since the Interceptor is a prescription, 1800petmedshas to have a prescription from the vet. Hillside called this morning saying they won't fill it because 1) they only do that with recent heartworm checks and Sydney is due up for hers and 2) the last record they have of Sydney having any heartworm medication was October 2007. I tried to explain to the vet that I 1) buy Sydney's medication on a quarterly basis. She then argued with me that if I did it quarterly then I would more than a quarter (I buy the 6 pack). Which of course I replied, I have two dogs. 2) I give my dogs their medication every month. I don't miss. She asked me when the last time I gave it to them. This month. The vet said, "Well that will get them until you come in next time".

I have every intention of getting my dogs to the vet. I felt the vet was being very accusing of me and/or was trying to make money. Either way, this isn't the first complaint I have heard about Hillside in the past month.

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Long night for Sydney

Sydney got sick last night - 2 sessions of vomit - 2 acts of vomiting in each session. A total of 4 vomits I had to clean up last night. (BTW, Resolve carpet cleaner for pets works great for getting the stains and odors out of the carpet). I took them walking about 7:30 pm, almost 2 hours after they ate. We were walking at a pretty brisk pace and Addy was superexcited about walking. I had to cut our walk short - only about a mile and a half - because 1) it was starting to get dark and 2) Addy just would not slow down.

Sydney didn't show any outward signs of wanting to slow down either. She would grab some grass as we went along (dogs will sometimes grab grass if they feel nauseated to make themselves throw up) but she will eat grass every time we walk - usually without the vomiting. It was maybe 30 minutes after we got back did we have Session #1. Session #1 consisted of all of her dog food, non-digested. She laid down and fell sleep. She was definitely lethargic. About an hour later, she got up and played with Addy - Session #2. Session #2 was more bile - she threw up her dinner in Session #1. After Session #2, I gave her the prescription medication the vet prescribed (yes, we have been here before). It seemed to help her b/c she slept threw the night without incident...

...or so we thought. We were getting ready to put Sydney in her cage this morning when we found another pile (could this be Session #3). We have no idea when it happened...

I have to add that my husband did not, nor never does, clean up the vomit. He apparently gets 'sick' when he is around it. What does he think happens to me?

Monday, September 22, 2008

Bark in the Park - Recap

Due to personnel issues, I am unable to post pictures of the event. Here is a link to the story in the local news.

We started off in the back because I wanted to walk the 5K versus run it. There were only a handful of people walking the 5K distance. When Sydney & Addy saw the rest of the pack running, they were running as well. Addy zigzagged the entire way; probably resulting in a 10K instead of a 5K. The girls have never been to this park before so they were doing a lot of sniffing around.

Part of our route ran along Beargrass Creek. At certain junctions around the creek, there was a rock ledge that bordered the creek (at these junctions there was a pretty decent drop-off from the road to the creek. Addy would stop walking, place 2 paws up on the ledge and look over into the creek. She never made an attempt to get her back paws up therefore I didn't think she would jump. But she definitely showed interest in getting back to in the water.

We did the 5K a little over 45 minutes. Yes, that means we were doing 15 minute miles - I feel accomplished when I do that walking by myself!!! I knew we were going fast but was astonished at that pace. Sydney and Addy started to slow around the 2 1/2 mile mark but were still moving at a very good pace. Maybe I do need to take them on training runs. We didn't stay around for the events I said, personnel issues.

Friday, September 19, 2008

Bark in the Park

The girls and I will be at Bark in Park this Saturday, September 20th, at Seneca Park. I hope to have pictures up this weekend. Assuming we get our electricity back!

144 Hours

I posted earlier that we had a bit of a wind storm here. Well, we are going on 144 hours of not having electricity. Saying it is an inconvenience is slightly understating the problem. They project that everyone will be up by Saturday Midnight. I don't know if that means tonight or early Sunday morning. I am hoping that means tonight.

Sydney and Addy are affected by it as well. The first couple of days they stuck pretty close to us when we were getting ready in the morning with flashlights. Sydney knew something was a little off. Since we have been hanging out with friends, family and at restaurants - where they have electricity - the girls have been in their cages a lot more than usual. It also gets darker earlier - with no electricity - so their sleep patterns, and subsequently mine, are all off.

I knew something was wrong when I fell asleep on the coach the night before. Both of the dogs want to be up on the coach with me but Addy will be next to me and Sydney will be on the other end of the coach, needing her space. Well, Sydney came up and laid as close to me as she could, almost on top of me. She hasn't done that since she was a puppy. Addy would beg to lay near me and Sydney will usually acquiesce...not last night.

Then this morning, they got into the dog food - again. Now, they will sometimes get into the food when we put a new bag in the food bin because the food is right on top. But that is the only time. So when they got into the food this morning, I knew they were acting out to all of our routine changes.

Therefore, I will be very glad when we get the lights back on so we can all get back to our 'normal' routines.

Monday, September 15, 2008

Pet Food Recall

See the link below for the latest Pet Food Recall for salmonella. Click on the box with the brands in it and it will ask if it is for either Cat or Dog. Then the specific name of the pet food will appear in the drop down menu.

Pet Food Recall

We Survived the Storm

Well, we survived the storm that hit the midwest. We still do not have electricity. Sydney and Addy definitely thought it was weird when we were getting ready this morning in the dark.

As I have written in previous blogs here and here, Sydney does not like storms nor rain. Sydney did pretty well yesterday. With wind gusts close to 80 miles an hour, she was really spooked I think at the sounds of the wind and all the trees waving around. She would approach the door but when I would open it to go outside, she ran downstairs. But was attentive and alert, not hiding under anything.

Addy, on the other hand, was the explorer. Every time I went outside, she went with me. She canvassed the yard checking out all of the limbs that were down and all of the smells that had been picked up. When I was outside without her, she become more agitated and whined to get out. She was definitely my brave puppy yesterday.

This article on MSNBC is pretty timely regarding yesterday. It is a superman-like cape that is supposed to disperse the electricity that a dog feels when a storm is coming on. I think Sydney responds more to the noise than the electricity in the air (especially after her reaction yesterday). The Storm Defender is definitely something to look into for future storms.

Saturday, September 13, 2008

Introducing Addy

I have focused a lot of this blog on Sydney. So I need to get you caught up on Addy. Addy is our yellow lab. Addy was an 'accident' in every sense of the word.

The same co-worker of my husband's, where we got Sydney, sent him an email the February after we got Sydney with a surprise. The co-worker had planned for Sydney's mother to be spade. The date was already set because the last pregnancy, Sydney's litter, had stressed the dog out so much that my husband's co-worker did not want her to have any more.

However, on February 15th, unbeknownst to everyone, Sydney's mother had 10 puppies; only 6 survived including 1 yellow female.

My parent's dog, Mocha, had to be put down in December. My dad had always wanted a yellow female lab. So my husband told his co-worker to hold the yellow female lab. It was hard on all of us losing Mocha but, starting in March, Dad starting looking at puppies. We wanted to surprise him with it but knew we couldn't keep the surprise much longer.

I sent him an email stating that we had a yellow lab for him (he loved Sydney and even commented on how he would like to have a dog like her) and that we wanted to surprise him with this dog. His reply - 'No, thanks.' Nothing more. Needless to say, we were devastated. What we didn't know at the time was my mother was going through breast cancer treatment and did not feel she could take care of a puppy and it was mom that had said 'No thanks'.

My husband's co-worker had turned down several other people who had wanted the lone yellow female. So we felt obligated to keep her. We had talked about getting another dog down the road, but not this soon.

My husband, Sydney and I all went to see her and the rest of the puppies. She ends up in my husbands lap and just laid there and slept. Needless to say, she won over our heart. And I can't imagine life without her.

Thursday, September 11, 2008

Dear Aunt Amy & Uncle Keith

Dear Aunt Amy & Uncle Keith,

I was so, so so excited when Grandma brought Candace over the other day. Mom had to hold me at the door so Grandma could get Candace down the steps. Mom tried to calm me down but I just couldn't stand it. I was sooooo excited to see her.

When I finally was able to come downstairs, I just couldn't take my eyes off her. She is so pretty and she smells really good. I just wanted to give her bunches and bunches of kisses. Nobody would let me do that. I don't think they understand how much I just wanted to love on her.

And then, when she was petting me...oh my goodness...I was the luckiest dog around!!! I can't tell you how happy I was! So I just laid they and did whatever Dad said I could do. Addy likes her too. But you know how Addy is, she gets bored really easy. When she couldn't give Candace kisses, she just got bored. (I promise she likes Candace too!)

I was really, really, really sad when Candace and Grandma had to leave. I watched at the door until I couldn't see them any more. Then I cried for about 10 minute because I was soo sad. I kept hoping that Grandma would bring Candace back so I stayed by the door for a long time. It made me so sad to see her go.

So can you please, please, please bring Candace over more often. I love her sooo much. And I miss both of you too. You are my favorites!!!

Love you soo much!
Paws and Licks

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Holy Crap! I have taught Sydney to eat poop!

I have a confession to make - the girls eat poop. Now, I don't feel too bad about this because apparently, this is a very common problem. The official term for dogs eating poop is coprophagia. I googled 'dog eats poop' and came up with a variety of sources. My favorite site lists 20 reasons why dogs participate in coprophagia. This is also where I learned I was the culprit.

Here is some back story. We noticed that Addy had this behavior. We tried scolding, taking it away and so on. But this is Addy and most behavior techniques don't work. We think she was either 1) bored or 2) seeking attention. This being Addy, I would say it was both. Now, Addy would eat that which had been 'sitting out' for a while. Once again, everything I have read, says that seems to be normal behavior for a dog. Here is where it takes a turn.

Sydney hates poop. She is my Little Miss Neat. When she goes out, she wipes her feet, tip-toes away from anything that remotely looks like it could be poop. Thus I was shocked when my mother called, after watching her for an evening, and she said she Sydney eating Addy's poop almost immediately after Addy 'made a deposit'. My mother scolded her and, with Sydney, that is all it usually takes and the matter is settled. I didn't think anything of it.

Saturday morning we are out on our normal walk around the neighborhood. Addy has to go and, since I am the conscience neighbohor, have my doggy bags ready. As I am picking up some of the 'droppings', Sydney bends down and ate some of it directly in front me.

I am aghast.

I am shocked.

And of course, there are 4 people standing in their backyard baring witness to the whole thing. I can't really scold her like I want to because then the witnesses would think I beat my dog. I am so shocked and now know that I have a problem.

In doing my research, I found that I was the route to all evil. Sydney was following allelomimetic behavior. It means that a dog will watch you do something and then they will mimic it. This is Sydney every day...just now it involves poop. Sydney learned that she was supposed to pick up after Addy because I always did.

Yes, I win the dog mom of the year award for that one.

Sunday, September 7, 2008

A Love Letter to Sydney on Her 2nd Birthday

Happy Birthday Sydney! As I mentioned in my previous post, Sydney turned 2 yesterday. It is hard to believe it has been almost 2 years since we first saw her.

I had wanted a dog for a while. I have always loved labs and my husband was determined I was going to get one.

I fell in love in Sydney from the moment I saw her. She was the runt of the litter and, although I was concerned if she would develop normally, I had to bring her home. We saw her at 4 weeks, a little too early to take her and I cried when we had to leave her.

My husband went and got her at 5 weeks and 5 days. It was the Friday of Labor Day so we wanted three days with her.

Sydney wouldn't stay in her box in the car and ended up laying on my husband's shoulder for a 30 minute car ride. We took her to the ballpark that night and every one fawned over her.

That night would become the first of many nights to come. Sydney cried every hour on the hour. At first, I would go and comfort her. Then it was discipline. To no avail. So I would end up sleepiing on the floor, my back against the couch and my head in the seat - and Sydney in my lap. We slept for hours like that.

During those wee hours of the morning, I thought it would never end. There are days now, when I wish I could have those days back.

How Sydney Got Her Name

Sydney is our black lab. Sydney turned 2 on July, 23rd. Since she just had a birthday, I thought I would talk a little bit about her and how she got her name.

Sydney was our first dog and I did not have a clue on what to name her. We saw her when she was around 4 weeks old. She was the runt of the litter so she fit into my husband's hand. But other than whine and sleep, we didn't get a feel for her personality. (Albeit, we should have realized that the whining was some indicator).

So, I started searching for names on the Internet. I googled 'dog names' and found the ten most common dog names. But all of those names I either 1) had a dog growing up that had that name or 2) had friends that had those names. Frankly, I wasn't having any luck.

I broke down and searched for baby names. As I am searching, I came across Sydney.

Sydney was the name of my Pound Puppy growing up. My pound puppy was brown and it was one of my favorite toys as a child. It just seemed right that I would name my first dog Sydney. So we did.

Now, Sydney goes by 'Sydney, Sydney', 'Syd' & 'Pretty Girl'. When she is in a good mood and I ask 'Who is my pretty girl?', I can get her to answer with a bark!!!

Friday, September 5, 2008

Rainy Day

Thank goodness for the rain today. My yard & garden desperately need the rain. It is great to feel the cool weather that the rain is bringing in too.

Sydney does not like the rain. She will not go out in it at all. I suspect she some how associates rain with thunder. As you might remember, Sydney does not like thunder. So this morning, like every morning, she is the first up the stairs to go out. She is at the door, moved the curtains out of the way and is fogging up the door because her nose is plastered to the door. She can't wait to out....that is until I open the door.

Addy bounds ahead of her, almost jumping over the top of her to get out (the girl has to go). Sydney lowers her head and starts sniffing. Then when she realizes it is raining, she tucks her tail and quickly gets away from the door before I can push her out!

Addy, who loves anything to do with water, is out there for her normal time and then barks to come back in. Poor Sydney, she just stares out the door. Looks at me occasionally kinda of like 'can you do something about this?'. Wish I could. I open the door but she still refuses to go out. I know she needs to 'go' because she hasn't been outside the house in over 12 hours!!!

I finally have to start getting ready while she sits staring out the door. I am eventually able to get her outside, ok, push her outside, when the rain lets up a little bit. She was perfectly fine when she came back in.

Another reason today was a good rainy day, Addy slept in until the alarm went off this morning. That, in and of itself, is a true miracle!

Sunday, August 31, 2008

The Carpet

We have a dartboard downstairs in our entertainment/fun room/man cave area. We marked it off with a strip of tape so all the boys would be know where to stand. We had to do this because of all the 'heated debates' we were having about the dartboard and where to stand.

We have had the dartboard well before Sydney. So the tape had been down on the carpet for awhile. Therefore, it was a complete surprise when we found Sydney chewing on the tape. Of course, we scolded her but we screwed up. We didn't remove the tape.

The next day, we find Sydney chewing on the tape again. This time, however, she had managed to tear a slight hole in the carpet. Now, granted, I have not liked the carpet since we moved. However, we were waiting until we got some other projects done around the house before we got new carpet. The hole wasn't too bad. So we decided to leave it, then, and take up the tape.

Sydney didn't bother it any more. We were working on other projects around the house so the holy carpet remained.

Then we get Addy and we are definitely not replacing the carpet with new puppy in the house. But we really don't think anything of the hole, we are more worried about housebreaking Addy. Big Mistake. Addy took the hole and ran with it. Literally. She some how was able to pick up one of the piece of the carpet and manage to rip it up. Much like a run in pantyhose. Instead of having a half inch hole, we now have a 5 foot long run in the carpet. Here is what it te carpet currently likes:

As I was trying to take the picture, the ham, Sydney wanted her picture taking too. Here she is at the scene of the crime.

Fourth of July - Part 2

As I noted in my previous blog, we were trying to get Sydney to not become as anxious as she normally does around fireworks. The vet gave us an over-the-counter herbal remedy to help calm her down. Sydney weighs approximately 70 pounds and received 10 drops, 3 times a day.

The bottle looked just like eye drops. The vet recommended two ways to administer the drops 1) adding it to her water or 2) giving it orally. Adding it to her water was not an option because my dogs drink out of each others bowl and I did not want Addy drinking it and diluting the volume Sydney was supposed to get. I could not make Sydney drink the water either. My option was to administer the drops myself.

Thank goodness there are no pictures of how I had to do this. I had to hold Sydney's head, open up her lips while I dropped 10 drops into her mouth. She would never open her mouth. She sat there, with her teeth gritted. She kept licking her lips to prevent me from dropping the medicine, but that just meant it took longer. In a couple of days we got to the point that Sydney would cower when she saw us go for the bottle.

Thursday, July 3rd...We only gave her 20 drops to ensure she did not have any adverse affects. In our neighborhood, Thursday was a very light night for fireworks and Sydney really did not react to the fireworks.

Friday, July 4th...Thank goodness for rain!!! It had hoped it would rain the entire day. However, once the rain stopped, it was like world war three was unleashed on our neighborhood. Stepping outside, all you could see was a haze of smoke and smell fireworks. Sydney did become frazzled and tried to go her 'den'. We did not allow her to go to her den but tried to keep her out with Addy. She did not shake. We were able to play with her. And, when it was getting later on in the night, she curled up on the coach and fell asleep. None of which she did before without the medicine.

Saturday, July 5th...I hosted an outdoor party for my husband's birthday. The dogs were in and out all day long with no problems. Around 7 pm, the first firework went off and Sydney bolted for the door. We let her in the house and she flew downstairs to her 'den'. However, when I checked on her about 20 minutes later, she was long as she was in the house.

Thus, I believe the medicine worked. We are begging to work on her behavior and hopefully we will not have to do the medication next year or during storms.

Fourth of July - Part 1

I know this is a little late but I have to talk about how the girls, aka Sydney, survived the July 4th weekend.

Sydney is terrified of thunderstorms and fireworks. We are unsure of when exactly her fear started. However, when she was a puppy, we let her outside 'to go'. She was out playing in the rain when there was a huge crack of thunder. It was the fastest I had ever seen her run. Even today, if it looks like it is going to rain, she won't go outside. Upon hearing thunder/fireworks, she will tuck her tail & head for the nearest 'den'. If there is a lot of thunder, she will shake, refuse to eat and will not play.

Obviously, I did not want to put her through this for the long 4th weekend. About 2 weeks out, I started researching my options. First, I found that my husband and I were to blame for some it. We had both tried the behavior modification before - ignoring the loud sounds, not consoling her, etc. None of that was working. Second, I found that the behavior modification wasn't going to work in the short amount of time we had. Third, there are pheromones you can release that acts to calm the dog down. Finally, there is a myriad of over-the-counter and prescription drugs we could give Sydney to calm her down.

I went to a couple of the local pet stores and really did not find what I was looking for - a week passes.

The Tuesday of July 4th week, I took the girls out walking. We have a route we do around the neighborhood and the girls know it better than I do. On this occasion, we got about 10 feet from a house in our neighborhood when a teenager steps out of the garage and shoots off an M-80.

Saying Sydney freaked out is an understatement. With her tail tucked, she sprinted to our house. She pulled on the leash so hard that my hand felt like it was going to break. She broke off our route trying desperately to get home. Since I had been reading about the behavior modification, I acted like nothing happened and I walked right past our house. I used Sydney's normal commands to keep her from pulling on the leash. Only after we pass the house and she realized we were not stopping, she stopped pulling and walked behind me with her tail tucked the rest of the way.

At that point, I was desperate. I could not watch her go through it. Finally, I called the vet the next day (Wednesday). I spent almost 20 minutes on the phone with the vet. She asked me questions like "Is she anxious?", "Is she nervous?", "Will she hurt herself?", "Do you have a cage or place she can go when she is frightened?", "How long does it take her to calm down?". Some of the questions, 'how long does it take her to calm down?' and 'does she hurt herself?', I had never thought of before. We decided since she wasn't going to hurt herself, had a place to go when she was upset and had a fenced in yard that we would use an over-the-counter herbal medicine.

So how did Sydney do? I'll post the follow-up later this week so check back then. I should note Addy was not fazed a bit.

Note: I volunteered at the Floyd County Animal Rescue League (FCARL) golf scramble this past Saturday at Chariot Run Golf Course. It was a great event and we had 76 golfers who participated. If you would like to volunteer with FCARL click here.

Wednesday, August 27, 2008


I have been keeping this blog on another site. I am moving those posts over to this blog. Therefore, you might find some of the blog topics outdated. For example, I go in depth about Sydney's Fourth of July experience...and it is the end of August.

Please bare with me. Also, the blog will showcase events that have occurred in the past to get you, the reader, up-to-date on who Sydney & Addy are now, why they act the way they do and so forth.

As I write this, I am on one end of the coach with Sydney curled up on the other end. Addy is curled up on the love seat. Addy keeps making these clicking sounds in her sleep. I wonder what she is dreaming about...

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Photo Shoot

I have had several people comment on how I got the girls to act so well for the photos in the first blog. Well, it was a small feat and took us about an hour to get a couple of shots. When we first put our 'backdrop' (I use the term loosely). Sydney went and laid right down on it. I am sure she thought it was another blanket she could use!

So that is why she is laying down in most of the pictures. I think in this picture Addy is trying to tell us 'Please, not again!'. I don't know what Sydney was looking at.

During the shoot, it was my job to get the girls to look at the camera while my husband took the pictures. Addy was drooling so much because I was holding a treat that I had to give her one. But not before she did something for it.

Can you tell where I am at in this picture?

Overall, the photo shoot took 5 treats, 2 squeaky toes, 4 hands and lots of 'STAY's' and 'NO's!

Introduction to the Adventures of Sydney & Addy

Welcome to the Adventures of Sydney & Addy. A blog devoted to my two favorite dogs: Sydney and Addy. Sydney and Addy are two full-blooded labrador retrievers. Sydney is a black lab and will be two years old this month.

Addy is a yellow lab and is almost a year and half old.

They are sisters but from different litters. We got Sydney when she was just shy of 6 weeks old and Addy when she was 9 weeks old. At one time, we had 2 dogs under the age of one! Although labs are frequently used for hunting, Sydney and Addy are definitely house dogs.

Over the course of the blog, you will get to meet Sydney and Addy. I will take you back in time so you can learn about their adventures and what they have been doing up to this point. I will also keep you up-to-date on what they are currently doing.

The topics will range from the every day happenings to trips to the lake to going to the vet and so on. Believe me, there isn't a day that goes by that either Sydney or Addy does something and I am left wondering 'Have I seen that before?'.
Just a little note about me. I grew up with labs all of my life. My family had a black lab, Suzie, for 12 years and a chocolate lab, Mocha, for 13 years. My parents currently have a yellow lab, Ella. She is used for duck hunting as well as a household pet. When my husband and I were looking into buying a dog, I wanted a breed that I knew fairly well since this would be our first foray into owning dogs.

Once again, Welcome to the Adventures of Sydney & Addy! I hope you have as much fun reading about their adventures as much as I love being a part of them!